Guess who had a birthday last month? Shout hooray!
But wait...he's my
BABY and he just turned
Even at 5 he's an awfully big baby. I took this not-so-little guy to the doctor last week for his *gulp* Kindergarten check-up. The Doc says he's in the
100% percentile for his height! Huh? I didn't know that was really possible. I mean someone has to be the the tallest kid out of 100. So there he is. My son. He's also 95th percentile for weight. I stopped trying to pick up this kid a looooong time ago. (That's my little line-backer.)
Funny how his birthday always coincides with the Super Bowl.
So we had a Par-tay! A
Spider Man part-tay! Some comic fans (but mostly little kids) would say he 's the
coolest super-hero. But personally, I'd rather
date Superman. (I've always had a thing for the tall dark and handsome, crippled-by-kryptonite-kind-of-guy.) What does this have to do with my son's birthday party? Nothing. Other than he'd make the cutest little Superman or Harry Potter for Halloween. What does HP have to do with anything? Nothing. Harry is just too young to have a crush on (creepy). But I {heart} those books!
So what have we learned: This not-so-little Soon-to-be Kindergartner turned 5 and he is a cutie with all that dark hair and dimples and tons of football playing/Superman potential. We've also learned that I really like dark hair. (I present the Postman as exhibit A.)
I made him a "Spidy" Birthday Cake
with a whipped cream/cream cheese frosting. |
We played web-slinging games with sticky hands. A "Villain" walk. Pin the Spider on Spider-Man. Cake and ice cream and fruit punch. Opened presents. And drum roll please..... SILLY STRING! Whoa. SO MUCH FUN FOR A KID!!! This was the last thing we did and for obvious reasons, outdoors. It was a Web-slinging Birthday Blast!
And then...
Chuck E. Cheese. This is how children punish parents. If if didn't have children I would never go there. They offer up expensive kid amusement first and fore-most then the food is someone near the very bottom - maybe below Chuck E. Cheese tattoos and filthy tokens. Did I try and talk him out of this after-party place to eat? Yes. Did he go for it? Obviously not.
Happy Birthday to my baby!
I could just love the pizza right out of him!
Have I mentioned yet, that my oldest is going into Jr. High next year?!? Good Grief!
That will be a whole other post.