Monday, May 2, 2011

Twelve Birthdays and a Clarinet

April Fool's Day 1999. I had my first baby. Worst birthing experience EVER. (My many thanks to the tree-hugging hospital in the middle of the California woods.) I held this cute little baby all warm and wet for the first time, and I cried. Oh how I cried....What an unbelievable little miracle! He was gorgeous! He was a part of me and he was MINE. I went into shock and then when the medication wore off, I cried some more. I of course recovered but as a mother it would many many years later before I had a good night's sleep again - but this love-of-my-life has been worth all of it. Those early years were happy times so bright and sunny living in California as a new mom. I miss those days, and miss that little boy who grew up way too fast.

I am learning to let go and let my children choose who they want to be instead of who I think they should be. It has become very clear to me this past year who this kid really is. And he is AMAZING.

He requested art supplies for his birthday and as an extra surprise we were able to give him a clarinet. He starts Junior High next Fall *gulp* and signed himself up for band. He was adamant about playing the clarinet. After talking with a friend of mine from HS who is a MUSIC WIZARD and ex-band teacher, I felt really good about him playing clarinet. My friend also talked me through some of the best brands to look for and what to avoid. As soon as I got off the phone I went to the classified ads on KSL and found this little Yamaha beauty for only $100. SOLD!  We later took it to a music shop for a tune-up. The guy tweaked a few keys and gave it back to us (free of charge) and told us it was a great instrument and that we got a great deal if we paid under $200 for it. SCORE

To say that my son was EXCITED when he opened this gift would be the understatement of the century.

Clarinet lessons start this week.