Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Thanksgiving Tree 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!

Here's my favorite Thanksgiving Tradition
Behold: The Thanksgiving Tree

Hey, look who FINALLY found her camera charger just last night. Of course it showed up in that one place where I always keep it and that I looked through at least three times over. 
I'm just glad it re-materialized.

Friday, November 19, 2010

These Kids Are Growing Too Fast

I haven't blogged in awhile.

Lack of time? Lack of things to blog about? Lack of my camera charger? Probably all of the above. Somewhere between Las Vegas and Utah I lost the charger to my camera. I keep thinking it will turn up. No such luck. So the really big question is this: Do I buy a replacement charger only to find the one I lost just days later? I guess that's one sure-fire way to find it...

No pictures of my sweet daughter's 9th birthday or pictures of the kids in Fall or dressed up for Halloween. Luckily my parents came for a super fun visit during that time and took a few pictures for me. I should at least have something to document those moments.

After a wonderful visit with friends yesterday and talking about motherhood, it made me realize that these kids are growing up fast and the only way to hold onto them is through photographs. I guess it's time to bite the bullet and order that charger...

This is my baby.