Monday, May 2, 2011

Twelve Birthdays and a Clarinet

April Fool's Day 1999. I had my first baby. Worst birthing experience EVER. (My many thanks to the tree-hugging hospital in the middle of the California woods.) I held this cute little baby all warm and wet for the first time, and I cried. Oh how I cried....What an unbelievable little miracle! He was gorgeous! He was a part of me and he was MINE. I went into shock and then when the medication wore off, I cried some more. I of course recovered but as a mother it would many many years later before I had a good night's sleep again - but this love-of-my-life has been worth all of it. Those early years were happy times so bright and sunny living in California as a new mom. I miss those days, and miss that little boy who grew up way too fast.

I am learning to let go and let my children choose who they want to be instead of who I think they should be. It has become very clear to me this past year who this kid really is. And he is AMAZING.

He requested art supplies for his birthday and as an extra surprise we were able to give him a clarinet. He starts Junior High next Fall *gulp* and signed himself up for band. He was adamant about playing the clarinet. After talking with a friend of mine from HS who is a MUSIC WIZARD and ex-band teacher, I felt really good about him playing clarinet. My friend also talked me through some of the best brands to look for and what to avoid. As soon as I got off the phone I went to the classified ads on KSL and found this little Yamaha beauty for only $100. SOLD!  We later took it to a music shop for a tune-up. The guy tweaked a few keys and gave it back to us (free of charge) and told us it was a great instrument and that we got a great deal if we paid under $200 for it. SCORE

To say that my son was EXCITED when he opened this gift would be the understatement of the century.

Clarinet lessons start this week. 

Friday, March 18, 2011

Minimum Wage *Whip-shaw*

He works hard for the money... ♪♫♪  So hard for it Honey... ♪♫♪

I'm proud of this picture. 
I am the ultimate Task-Master! Wha-haha.... 
Are all mother's as evil as me?

Thursday, March 10, 2011

My Baby is 5

Guess who had a birthday last month? Shout hooray!
But wait...he's my BABY and he just turned 5!

Even at 5 he's an awfully big baby. I took this not-so-little guy to the doctor last week for his *gulp* Kindergarten check-up. The Doc says he's in the 100% percentile for his height! Huh? I didn't know that was really possible. I mean someone has to be the the tallest kid out of 100. So there he is. My son. He's also 95th percentile for weight. I stopped trying to pick up this kid a looooong time ago. (That's my little line-backer.)
Funny how his birthday always coincides with the Super Bowl.

So we had a Par-tay! A Spider Man part-tay! Some comic fans (but mostly little kids) would say he 's the coolest super-hero. But personally, I'd rather date Superman. (I've always had a thing for the tall dark and handsome, crippled-by-kryptonite-kind-of-guy.) What does this have to do with my son's birthday party? Nothing. Other than he'd make the cutest little Superman or Harry Potter for Halloween. What does HP have to do with anything? Nothing. Harry is just too young to have a crush on (creepy). But I {heart} those books!

So what have we learned: This not-so-little Soon-to-be Kindergartner turned 5 and he is a cutie with all that dark hair and dimples and tons of football playing/Superman potential. We've also learned that I really like dark hair. (I present the Postman as exhibit A.)

I made him a "Spidy" Birthday Cake
 with a whipped cream/cream cheese frosting. 

We played web-slinging games with sticky hands. A "Villain" walk. Pin the Spider on Spider-Man. Cake and ice cream and fruit punch. Opened presents. And drum roll please..... SILLY STRING! Whoa. SO MUCH FUN FOR A KID!!! This was the last thing we did and for obvious reasons, outdoors. It was a Web-slinging Birthday Blast!

And then...Chuck E. Cheese. This is how children punish parents. If if didn't have children I would never go there. They offer up expensive kid amusement first and fore-most then the food is someone near the very bottom - maybe below Chuck E. Cheese tattoos and filthy tokens. Did I try and talk him out of this after-party place to eat? Yes. Did he go for it? Obviously not.

Happy Birthday to my baby! 
I could just love the pizza right out of him!

Have I mentioned yet, that my oldest is going into Jr. High next year?!? Good Grief! 
That will be a whole other post.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Farwell to Nanny

This is the Postman's Grandmother. 

The 4th of July
This most beautiful LADY passed away this evening. She was 95. Her time had come and it was peaceful. Even still, I know I'm not someone who deals well with death and goodbyes. I just feel extremely grateful for the chance to have gotten to know her so much better this past year. For years while living in Arizona, she sent cards and gifts and all her love. What a blessing that she moved just one hour away and we were all able to spend time with her and love her more than ever. 
She is truly beautiful and she will be missed. 

We love you Nanny!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Gifts & The Prophets

Oh yes. Love this drawing of President Monson. This is an original artwork and you can own it cheaply for a GREAT cause. Click HERE to go the website to find out HOW and WHY. Mine should be coming this week and I can't wait!

Oh yes. Love this MAN! Don't you just really really miss him sometimes? I do. 

Driving home from Idaho on Sunday, we listened to this song on the radio by Paul Cardall. (It's playing right now, so turn up the volume.) The Postman and I fell in love. I started thinking what a remarkable artist he is. His music and arrangements are so peaceful and beautiful and instantly bring the spirit. Just like 16 year old, Caleb Ceran, some people are just really blessed with gifts to share like that. 
And we're blessed to enjoy them.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Weddings, Weddings, Weddings...

Just got back from Idaho.

 My niece got married!

Congratulations Layton and Ashley!

Up next....Nephi and Mallory
My nephew
April Wedding

And, Brian and Vanessa
The Postman's Brother
June Wedding

Last year. Matt & Kylie
The Postman's niece - Mesa, AZ

13 Years Ago...
February 21, 1998
I have found that when you first get married you believe that you are in love. Not until you live the years together do you finally learn TRUE love. It transcends the storms and lows and cold. Then you love because you know you have found someone who can love you, in spite of you, and you find strength in forgiveness and disappointments, companionship, and encouragement. You never abandon or think more of yourself and you don’t give up. You’ll find yourself in these moments of beautiful peace – full of joy and never alone. I’m grateful for my husband who has taught me and helped me to feel all of these things. Most of all, I’m grateful to be loved by him.

How do I love thee? Let me count the ways. 

    I love thee to the depth and breadth and height 
    My soul can reach, when feeling out of sight 
    For the ends of Being and ideal Grace. 
    I love thee to the level of everyday's 
    Most quiet need, by sun and candlelight. 
    I love thee freely, as men might strive for Right; 
    I love thee purely, as they turn from Praise. 
    I love thee with the passion put to use 
    In my old griefs, and with my childhood's faith. 
    I love thee with a love I seemed to lose 
    With my lost saints,–I love thee with the breath, 
    Smiles, tears, of all my life!–and, if God choose, 
    I shall but love thee better after death.

- Elizabeth Barrett Browning

Congratulations to everyone! 
Welcome to the tree! ♥

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Valentines Day

The Hubs and I began celebrating Valentines on Thursday night. Why? Because we're smart people. Oh yes, we made reservations to be sure, but we were able to enjoy and very quite and romantic dinner at Corbin's with very few people around. We hid out, pretty much secluded in our little both next to the waterfall. I don't know if you can tell in the picture, but that is an entire wall of water. Also, the food is just hmmmmm....can't stop saying hmmmmmm....while I eat it. It is THE BEST ROMANTIC PLACE to eat in this here county. It was pretty great to say the least.

Saturday, the Hubs and I were out again at....wait for it.... wait for it.... The Old Spaghetti Factory. Yeah? Valentine Day is also my mom-n-law's birthday. We met up with the Hub's family and showered her with gifts. I would have to say that her favorite was probably the gift we gave. Red fuzzy handcuffs. (For sure. Right?)

Monday morning, I tried to craft with third graders. See picture above. I would love to tell you that's how they all turned out. I'm wondering why at some point an alarm didn't go off in my head, Abort mission...Abort mission. Threading ribbon, gluing tissue paper, tying bows, stuffing with chocolate, nine-year olds, and 10 minutes don't add up. Live and Learn. But look at all it's crafty Valentine-y potential.

On Valentines Day, I gave the Hubs and each of the kids their own box of chocolates. We dimmed the lights and our family had a sweet little candlelight dinner at home.  Hubs brought me flowers and, yes,  handmade chocolates and made our meal. We listened to music while we ate and the Hubs and I danced. I love that man! (I really love that man because that man spent the last two nights watching North and South with me. - all four hours! Did he complain? Yes he did. No.)

At this point I won't mention the part of the dinner that turned into a rousing game of "Do I dare put out the candle with my bare hands?" Let's just say, I'm grateful the house didn't catch on fire and everyone still has their hair and eyebrows.

 I made dessert.

I didn't know I knew how to temper chocolate... *pats self on the back and gives a kiss to the Hubs*

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Romance at the Movies

I love Valentine's Day! I really do. I mean I didn't used to. Okay, it's pretty lame if you don't have someone to share it with. But I really love it because my wedding anniversary is only one week later. One of my favorite ways to celebrate Valentine's Day is by watching the juiciest, most transcending, emotion-hijacking romance movies ever made! My husband is so right there with me - so glad to not be watching some testosterone-filled, violent, adventure film. I mean, guys are so not like that....

Here are my all-time favorites. If you have not seen one or any of these, go put it in your Netflix que NOW. Your husband will thank you for it.

Not just any version of Pride and Prejudice (but I kind of like them all). It has to be the Colin Firth version - before he played the role of a stuttering king. (Why, oh why is that movie rated R?! Curse you Hollywood! *shaking my fist to the sky*) Seriously, have you not seen this one? I pity you.

A love story with a lot of depth. Which was kind of unexpected. There is just a part of this story that won't ever leave your mind because it makes such an impression. But, could I please watch a clean version of this movie? It really was a shame. So could I interest you in a little NORTH AND SOUTH instead?

If you love Jane Austin movies you will {heart} this one! Your tongue will be rolling out of your mouth in the end, trying to lap up all the gooey romance oozing from the screen. This is a movie I will recommend without hesitation.

Extremely creative. Tons of eye-candy. This is a musical with amazing arrangements. I own very few movies but this is one of them. If I had to state my ALL-TIME favorite. This would be it.

*Sigh* In collage I memorized this entire soundtrack. I can play nearly every song on the piano. But alas, I have never seen the Broadway production. (Don't you feel sorry for me? I do.) With that said, I love this movie! And, hello ladies...Gerard Butler.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Calling All Angles

I love these two people! Please meet my handsome nephew Neal and his adorable wife Angie. (If you haven't already - you're missing out.) Please click below. You'll be so glad that you did. Here is a beautiful video that will provide you with the opportunity to give a little of yourself - all in the memory of their angel son Jayden. If this touches you, please spread the word.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Out with the old

It's like clutter that stymies your progress. There are Christmas decorations still on my blog. It is still snowing here. I'd really like to move on, but I had this really great idea; to put this last years blogs into a book. Ya know, like a real journal! But I'm stuck. I've been too lazy to finish with Christmas Day. I just can't seem to move on until it's in here. So bear with me on the Christmas pictures at the end of January. I just call it progress. Like that last box of  "Do-hickeys" on their way to the DI. (There is no correct spelling of the word "doo-hickies". I'm pretty sure.)


Not very good photos that day folks. The pictures with people I downloaded - loaded sideways. I don't want to re-load them. All other pictures pretty much had the Hubster in them  - basically in his underwear.

One of these days I'll offer up a toy review. We have them all. Calico Critters, LEGOS, LEGOS, LEGOS and, oh yeah...more LEGOS. I can't forget Buzz Lightyear, the Darth Vader Alarm Clock, and the very coolest Robot Bank you've ever met!'s cool. 

The day was all we had hoped for. Lots of wrapping paper and batteries; hanging out in our pajamas pretty much all day eating chocolate. It was lovely.

New Years Eve however, didn't go so great...We drove the hour to my mom-n-law's house to be with family and spend the night. Guess what...the kids threw up. Again. I am really afraid she's too paranoid to allow these kids of ours back into her house. Even the Hubs got sick on that trip. Regardless, we had a fun time being with family for the holidays.

On a not-so-side-note: RIP my Primary Children's Songbook. It had to take one for the team. I didn't feel like I wanted to leaf those those gooey, vomit-smelling pages anytime soon.

The End.